How Dental Sealants Keep Cavities at Bay!

dental sealant

If you are a parent, you probably know how difficult it is to get Charlotte, NC children to brush and floss regularly. On top of that, young children often lack the necessary motor skills to properly care for their teeth. At Central Avenue Dental, we want your whole family to have excellent dental health, so […]

I’d Rather Have a Root Canal

root canal treatment

Have you ever heard someone say, “It was worse than a root canal?” Most of us in Charlotte are used to hearing root canals compared some genuinely unpleasant circumstances, but our expert dentist would like set the record straight and talk about how root canals can do some serious dental good. As always, we are […]

Professional Dental Cleanings Make a Big Difference

Professional Cleanings

You’ve been hearing it for years – “make sure to visit your dentist twice a year for your regular cleanings.” Just in case you’ve ever wondered why regular dental cleanings are so important, we at Central Avenue Dental would like to take this opportunity to let Charlotte residents in on some information you don’t often […]

Protect Yourself from Oral Cancer

oral cancer

Central Avenue Dental would like to take this opportunity to talk about oral cancer, the lives that are lost to it, and what it could mean for you and your family. Oral cancer is one of the only cancers that is actually becoming more common, and we want our Charlotte patients to know what it […]

Why Wisdom Teeth are Not So Wise

wisdom teeth

Most Charlotte folks have had some exposure to the concept of wisdom teeth. Perhaps you have had yours removed, are considering a removal, or your dentist has just shown you an X-Ray with the infamous third molars creeping into view. It’s common to hear patients ask how they are removed, but we rarely hear people […]

History of the Toothbrush


If you had to give up your toothbrush or your car, which would it be? According to a recent survey, 42 percent of adults and 34 percent of teens would rather turn in their keys, computer, cell phone, or microwave than get rid of their toothbrush. It seems that many Charlotte residents love toothbrushes the […]

When a Toothache is Not a Toothache

Most of us in Charlotte have experienced a toothache. At their mildest, toothaches may cause just enough discomfort to get on your nerves and disrupt your concentration, but at their worst, they can be debilitating. Because the pain feels like it’s coming from your tooth, it’s natural to assume that all toothaches are caused by […]

Teething Relief for Tots!

teeth whitening at home

Well, if you’re reading this you have already made it through teething, but the same cannot be said for a newborn. We at Central Avenue Dental care about the health of our Charlotte patients, and that’s why we want to provide you with useful knowledge about how to care for a baby that needs teething […]

The Tooth About Teeth Grinding

teeth grinding

Headaches in Charlotte are a dime a dozen. We all know the frustration of having your day interrupted by throbbing, shooting pains in the head. If you suffer from frequent headaches that never seem to go away, Central Avenue Dental would like you to know about bruxism, or teeth grinding, a common condition that Charlotte residents […]

Teaching Your Kids to Brush and Floss

kids oral hygiene

As a parent, you will have numerous opportunities to teach your children valuable skills and each one will yield priceless memories. Your child’s first step, your child’s first word, your child’s first bike ride, your child’s first unassisted brushing and flossing session…Well, maybe that last one won’t be as memorable, but Central Avenue Dental wants […]